
What truly sets the Princeton Spine and Joint Center apart is uncompromising dedication to the individual. With principles of respect, excellence, integrity and professionalism, we work with you to diagnose your problem, ease your pain, and help you resume your active, pain-free life.


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Understanding Lower Back Strain

Most episodes of acute lower back pain are caused by damage to your soft tissues, such as the muscles and/or ligaments that support your lumbar spine. Your back is supported by a large, complex group of muscles. Watch: Lower Back Strain Video A common injury is a lower back strain, but it’s popularly referred to as a pulled muscle. The pain resulting from a lower back strain can be surprisingly severe, sending many patients to the
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What Is Your Back Muscle Spasm Telling You?

Muscle spasms in your back can range from a minor discomfort and stiffness to a sharp, severe pain and muscle tightening that prevents normal back movements. Your back might be telling you to avoid a certain activity, or it could be warning of a more serious underlying issue in your spine. A muscle strain can be a source of extraordinary pain. Watch: Lower Back Strain Video Causes of muscle spasm The first step to understanding what

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Treatment for Neck Strain or Sprain Video

Watch the video In This Article: Neck Strain: Causes and Remedies Neck Strain Symptoms Neck Strain Diagnosis Neck Strain Treatments and Prevention Neck Strains and Sprains Video Treatment for Neck Strain or Sprain Video Video Transcript Most minor strains of ligaments, tendons, and muscles in the neck heal relatively quickly, perhaps in just a few days. Until the symptoms subside, there are many self-care remedies that can be employed to alleviate the pain and stiffness
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Back Strains and Sprains Video

Watch the video Video Transcript The most common cause of back pain is usually a muscle strain or muscle sprain and most of us, in our lifetime, will experience this at one time or another. These injuries or micro-injuries to the muscles, usually, occur due to strain to those muscles and they tend to recover on their own. The timeframe tends to be several days to 1-2 weeks. Usually to support that, initial rest -

What truly sets the Princeton Spine and Joint Center apart is uncompromising dedication to the individual. With principles of respect, excellence, integrity and professionalism, we work with you to diagnose your problem, ease your pain, and help you resume your active, pain-free life.

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