Ankle and foot pain

What truly sets the Princeton Spine and Joint Center apart is uncompromising dedication to the individual. With principles of respect, excellence, integrity and professionalism, we work with you to diagnose your problem, ease your pain, and help you resume your active, pain-free life.


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This Overlooked Pelvis Problem Might Be Causing Your Lower Back Pain

Deep in the back of your pelvis, you have a joint called the sacroiliac (SI) joint, which connects the bottom of your spine to your pelvis on each side. Problems with these joints are associated with up to 30% of lower back pain cases.1 The sacroiliac joint(s) can become a source of pain back and leg pain when there is either too much or too little movement in the joints. Inflammation of the sacroiliac joint

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What Is Foot Drop?

Foot drop is a feeling of weakness while attempting to lift the foot and/or toes upward (dorsiflexion).1 Foot drop typically causes the individual to involuntarily drag the toes of the affected foot while attempting to walk.2 To compensate for this dragging, a high steppage or slapping gait1 is attempted, where the leg is lifted higher than normal on the affected side for the toes to clear the surface.3 Foot drop usually occurs when there is a problem with
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Foot Pain Symptoms

While there may be many causes of foot pain, it is important to note that not all foot pain originates in the toes or in the front or back of the foot, nor does it necessarily develop because of some injury or trauma to the foot. What may come as a surprise is that many types of pain in the foot may have nothing to do with the foot or the leg, but rather a
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Causes of Leg Pain and Foot Pain

Many conditions can cause leg pain and foot pain. Commonly, the main cause of the symptoms has its origin in the lower back, which is where the nerves branch out from the spine to provide function to the muscles in the leg, ankle, and foot. Low back conditions that are common causes of leg pain and/or foot pain—and associated neurological symptoms such as numbness or foot drop—are outlined below. See Leg Pain and Numbness: What Might

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Spinal Causes of Foot Pain Video

Watch the video Video Transcript The most common cause of foot pain is certainly within the foot itself. People develop arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, you can have a neuroma within the foot; there are a number of causes within the foot itself that would cause foot pain. Sometimes, however, the cause of foot pain is actually coming from the spine. The same sorts of things that can cause pain radiating into the leg can cause just
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Causes of Leg Pain Video

Watch the video Video Transcript There are two basic ways that the spine can cause leg pain. The first is referral pain from structures within the spine itself, such as the disc or the facet joint or the sacroiliac joint. That pain tends to be more dull, deep, vague, achy. The way that we usually think about pain coming from the spine into the leg is more radiating, electric, burning pain. This comes from irritation
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Causes of Foot Drop Video

Watch the video Video Transcript Foot drop is the inability to dorsiflex the foot, so, to pull the foot up. Foot drop often presents as people saying that they are tripping over themselves. Essentially, it’s hard to clear the foot, so people might, after they go for a long walk they might find that they start to trip over themselves. As the foot drop gets worse, then that can become more pronounced and more profound

What truly sets the Princeton Spine and Joint Center apart is uncompromising dedication to the individual. With principles of respect, excellence, integrity and professionalism, we work with you to diagnose your problem, ease your pain, and help you resume your active, pain-free life.

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